Dokter Spesialis Saraf Di Surabaya
Shangri-La Hotel, Surabaya, Indonesia. Dear all, It is an honor to welcoming you to the 11th Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Surabaya,Indonesia. I am overjoyed to have you all. The ACNS was started in 1993 along the lines of Dr. Kanno's dream.
Abdul Hafid Bajamal, SpBS(K) Neurosurgeon (Consultant) CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Prof. Abdul Hafid Bajamal, M.D., Ph.D Place, Date of birth: Donggala, 8 April 1949 Profession: Neurosurgeon Office Address: Dept. Of NeurosurgeryDr. Soetomo Hospital / Airlangga Medical FacultyJl.
Moestopo 6-8 Surabaya 60285 Indonesia Telp.: 62 (031) 5501325 Fax.: 62 (031) 5025188 EDUCATION 1974: School of Medicine, Airlangga University Surabaya Indonesia 1983: Post Graduate of Katholic University of Nijmegen Nederland 1999: Doctor of Science Airlangga University 2000: Master of Neurovascular Science POSITION 1983-up to now: Senior Staff, Department of Nurosurgery Medical Faculty, Airlangga University Surabaya-Indonesia 1983-up to now: Consultant Neurosurgery: 1. Port Health Center Hospital, Surabaya – Indonesia 2. Mitra Keluarga Hospital, Surabaya – Indonesia 3. Adi Husada Hospital, Surabaya – Indonesia 2006 – 2013: Director of Brain Clinic Surabaya – Indonesia 2010 – up to now: Neurosurgeon Chief – Brain and Spine Center, Mitra Keluarga Hospital Surabaya 2009 – 2012: Chairman of Neurosurgery Department Airlangga University Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya – Indonesia 2010 – up to now: Professor of Neurosurgery of Medical Faculty, Airlangga University, Dr.
Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya – Indonesia MEMBERSHIPS AND CONTRIBUTIONS 1. Member of the Indonesian Medical Association 2. Member of the Indonesian Surgeon’s Association 3. Member of Indonesian Neurosurgery Society 4. Arcor wireless usb treiber wn4501h lf ir. Member of World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies 5. Member of Asean Neurosurgical Association 6.
Editorial member of Indonesian Journal of Neurosurgery 7. Editorial member of Bali Medical Journal SPEAKER IN MEETING 2016: Symposium Nasional Update: Manajemen Perawatan Cedera Servikal dan Serebrovaskuler “Narasumber”. Yogyakarta 2016: Emergency for Every Doctor Symposium.
Radmila manojlovic i cvija nema te download mp3. “Head Injuries & Requirements of Care”. 2015: Ismins educational meeting & 15th NAM annual scientific meeting/annual general meeting Effective innovation in minimally invasive neurosurgery. “Degenerative Lumbar Canal Stenosis: Advantage of microscopic decompression”. 2015: The annual conference of neuro spinal surgeons association of India. “Cervical lateral mass screws-Pitfalls and practice”. 2015: 15th Interim meeting of the world federation of neurosurgical societies.
“Open evacuation and decompression surgery of thin acute subdural hemorrhage in severe head injury and Comparation of the prognosis on the one step and two step surgical evacuation procedures for head injury patients with supratentorial bilateral mass lesions of extra-dural and intra-cerebral hematomas”. 2015: 20th National congress of Indonesian surgeons associations Muktamar Ahli Bedah Indonesia In conjunction with 2nd International college of surgeons – Indonesia section (ICS-INA) meeting “How to promote minimally invasive and robotic surgery in Indonesia, between the and government policy”. 2015: 1st Spine update 2015: Indonesian Surgeons Association (ISA) MABI XX 2015 20th National congress of Indonesian surgeons associations Muktamar Ahli Bedah Indonesia In conjunction with 2nd International college of surgeons – Indonesia section (ICS-INA) meeting “The future of neurosurgery in Indonesia” 2015: Pengembangan Profesi Bedah Berkelanjutan ke-12 Persatuan Dokter Spesialis Bedah Indonesia (P2B2-XII) PABI “Masa Depan Dokter Bedah Indonesia di Era Asuransi Kesehatan dan Mutual Recognition Arrangement” Malang – Indonesia. 2015: 14th Asian Australasian Congress of Neurological Surgeon. ICC Jeju – Korsel 2015: Microscopic decompression technique in spine surgery, Surabaya- Indonesia. 2015: Seminar penatalaksanaan kasus cerebro vascular attack di pelayanan primer, Rumah Sakit PHC – Surabaya Indonesia 2014: The 19th Annual Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Society of Neurological Surgeons (PIT XIX PERSPEBSI).
“Controversies and pitfall in spinal surgery And Lumbar microdiscectomy: How I do it (Perls and pitfall. Learning from more than 200 cases” Palembang – Indonesia.
2014: The 39th Biennial World Congress of The International College Of Surgeons. “Lumbar Canal Stenosis: Review of different types of surgical treatment options” Bali – Indonesia. 2014: 10th Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons. “Lumbar Canal Stenosis: a review of different types of lumbar spine surgery” Astana-Kazakhstan.
2014: Simposium dan Worshop Penanganan Cedera Kepala. “The problems of health care in head injury” Surabaya – Indonesia.
2014: The 12th Annual Scientific Meeting of International Spine Society (ISS) combined with The 5th International Spine Society of Minimal Intervention in Spinal Surgery (ISMISS) – Indonesia; Tema: Management of Degenerative Spinal Disorder. “Implant industries competition and spine surgery complications”. Banjarmasin – Indonesia. 2014: XXVIII Surgical Challenges During a Time of Crisis. “The Impact of Implant Industries growing on the Quality of the Spine Surgery”.