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• Yoyok-Dwi-Setyo-Pambudi, Darlis 2005-01-01 Characterization of 12-Watt, Shinano Kensi, Japan. Stepper Motors series TEAC P.No.14769070.90 had been conducted.
Knowledge obtained from this characteristic test can be exploited in motor stepper application in the field of robotics, the appliance of las automatization and also the metal clippers equipment. Test characteristic was performed by using computer program Borland Delphi version 5.0. The result showed that by using input delay time 10 ms, the quickest turn around frequency of the motor is 0.5 Hz. The longer delay time tend to make a rotation frequency became lower, it also mean the moving of motor became slower.
(author) • Sudianto Lande 2004-01-01 Full Text Available The amount of public places's visitor data is very important. Usually we get it manually. AT the moment, video camera has been used for security. Therefor, the people counter software has been made using Normalized Sum-squared difference (NSSD method that take differences the sum of frame fixel and background, squared it then normalized by detection window area. The NSSD values that have been count then thresholded to detect the people occurance in detection window.
This project is made using Borland Delphi 5.0 with Tvideo component. Corect people counting percentation of more than 90% was obtained.
The succesness of this program depends on the right thresholding values. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Data jumlah pengunjung suatu tempat umum sangat penting. Data jumlah pengunjung biasanya didapat secara manual.
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Saat ini kamera video telah diterapkan untuk kepentingan keamanan. Karena itu dibuatlah program penghitung jumlah pengunjung dengan metode Normalized Sum-Squared Differences (NSSD yang mengambil selisih jumlah pixel frame dan background dan dikuadratkan, dinormalisasi dengan luasan detection window. Nilai NSSD yang didapat diseleksi dengan proses thresholding untuk mendeteksi keberadaan orang pada detection window. Penelitian ini dibuat dengan menggunakan Borland Delphi 5.0, dengan tambahan komponen TVideo. Program ini secara keseluruhan menunjukkan keberhasilan lebih dari 90%.
Keberhasilan dari program ini sangat dipengaruhi oleh penentuan nilai threshold yang tepat. Kata kunci: penghitungan orang, sensor kamera, NSSD, Image processing. 1984-01-01 The DELPHI detector for the LEP storage ring is described. It consists of time projection chamber within a superconducting magnet coil surrounded by a ring-image Cherenkov counter. Furthermore within the solenoid an electromagnetic calorimeter is located while outside the hadronic calorimeter is placed.
Furthermore the data acquisition and filtering system is described. 1990-01-01 At CERN's new LEP electronpositron collider, the initial year of data-taking by the four big experiments - Aleph, Delphi, L3 and Opal, comes as the result of some ten years of careful preparation. This is the first in a series of four articles which looks at the history and aspirations of each of these mighty collaborations • Paryati Paryati 2015-04-01 Full Text Available The design and implementation of a software used as a tool aid to crease a transportation model which is equipped with a fuzzy cost parameter by using genetic algorithm. Waterfall methodology, which comprised of analyzing, designing, implementing and testing processes, was used in the software engneering. One way to deal with uncertainty in making such decision is by using fuzzy principles.
The software is applied in the programming language environment of Borland Delphi. The solution transportation problem can be solved by heuristic approach using genetic algorithm.
The analysis of programme value shows that the process on evaluation case straight proportional with the result of the multiplication of the source of depot total and the destination depot corelation coefisien 0.89. The analysis shows that the amount of population is straight linear to each of the case evaluation towards the process time with correlation coefisien 0.99. Telah dilakukan perancangan dan implementasi suatu perangkat lunak untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan transportasi dengan parameter biaya fuzzy, menggunakan algoritma genetika. Perancangan perangkat lunak menggunakan metodologi Waterfall, yang terdiri dari analisa, desain, implementasi serta pengujian. Suatu cara untuk menangani ketidakpastian dalam pengambilan keputusan pada sistem transportasi tersebut menggunakan prinsip fuzzy. Perangkat lunak diimplementasikan di lingkungan bahasa pemrograman Borland Delphi. Penyelesaian masalah transportasi dapat diselesaikan dengan pendekatan secara heuristik menggunakan algoritma genetika.