Dragon Ball Z Sparking Meteor Ps2 Iso Game Downloads
( Guide Download – Tool Download ) Combining action, fighting and light role-playing game elements, Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 sends players into a rich story mode that spans the entire Dragon Ball, DBZ, and Dragon Ball GT series. For Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 on the PlayStation 2, GameFAQs has 32 save games. 100% Save, All game modes cleared, all stages, all characters, all Z-items, all ability slots maxed. Atari SA; Release: November 13, 2007; Also Known As: Dragon Ball Z: Sparking! Meteor (JP, KO); Franchise: Dragon Ball.

@nmol rates this game: 5/5 This is by far the best DBZ ever to be released. If you have played Budokai 3 and Tenkaichi then you can see Tenkaichi 2 as a mix of those two games. In story mode you can now fly freely wherever you want and you can set the battles to three difficulty levels. There is now also an tag-team battle in versus mode. For example; if you choose Goku and Vegeta you can use the tag option to do the fusion technique and become Gogeta.
And you can transform into Super Saiyan whenever you want to if you have unlocked that ability. There are now all characters of Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Dragonball GT and the movies so you have a lot of characters to make your favorite. You can also create an custom character for example; pick Vegeta and upgrade his speed,ki,strength,etc. And you can choose if you want to have your character to be the best in: hand-to-hand-combat, beams or overall. And there are many other options you can choose from!
Descarga Dragon Ball Z Sparking Meteor (PS2 Y PC) Bueno amigos quiero compartir esta Iso de mi coleccion con las personas que no la tienen aun, esta es la version que fue lanzada en Japon en octubre del 2007, cuenta con una buena banda sonora que va de la mano con este gran titulo y un gran numero de personajes a elegir esto al finalizar el juego, sin duda te hara pasar buenos momentos, te dejo los links en esta descripcion. Como siempre nos veremos en otra ocasion con algo mas del universo de DBZ BT3, Sayonara =) Mis Links de Dragon Ball Z Sparking Meteor: 1.- 2.- Mis Redes Sociales =) ►Twiter: ►SUSCRIBETE: Este video esta hecho por un gran fanatico de los videojuegos. Siempre tratando con todo respeto el contenido utilizado en mis videos. Dragon Ball Z Sparking Meteor © Akira Toriyama, Bird Studio/Shueisha, Toei Animation.
Publisher: NAMCO BANDAI Distributed by Atari Europe.
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