Garbha Raksha Mantra Mp3 Songs
It is known since ancient times that the child in the womb adopts impressions form its surroundings and the behaviour of his mother. The age-old story of Abbimanyu from the Mahabharata is confirmed by modern science. It is possible to pass on energy for the development of the body, mind and soul of the child in the womb by listening to special music. Even the ancient scriptures and ayurveda prescribe music and mantras to be listened to during pregnancy.
Garbh Raksha is an album featuring mantras and wellness music for the pregnant woman and the child within. This Music CD has following tracks: 01. Ganesh Vandana 02. Shiva Shaktya (Saundarya Lahari) 03. Hey Shankara (For Putralabh) 04. Devendradi (For Good Married Life And Pregnancy) 05.
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Himavat (To Conceive) 06. Shrimadhavi (Garbharakshambika Stotra) 07.
Chant this very powerful Garbha Raksha Mantra to imbibe good values in newborn. Stotra: Ehyehi Bhagawan Brahman, Praja kartha, praja pathe.
Om Hreem (Durga Stuti - For Conceiving And Safe Dery) 08. Om Hreem Shreem Aim (For Conception) 09.
Garbharakshambika Mantra.