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After launching the game you should have that menu view: [i67.tinypic.com] When you choose Multiplayer you should have such view: [i64.tinypic.com] Then you choose 'Find game', 'Server browser' and that's it. Product code for medal of honor warfighter origin pc download. I remember it being very good ok if you tell me there are people playing in Europe I'll buy it, I heard there is ONLY ONE server for this game based in USA. Other option - join through BL: [battlelog.medalofhonor.com] it is a completely different interface, not even this image is in the background, I have only campaign, tier 1 and exit, at the bottom the background image is black, moving footage from the game, game cover is this one: [snapdeal.com] ok looking at your pictures I am starting to understand now: warfighter (2012) must be more recent than my version (2010) however that should too have some multiplayer right?
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