Starcraft 1 Espaol Iso Torrent

Starcraft 1 Espaol Iso Torrent Rating: 7,0/10 8281 votes
Starcraft BroodWar 1.16.1 1. Mount the Starcraft original.iso (use daemon tools) 2. Install; use this cd-key: 7090- 3. Mount the Starcraft Broodwar.iso 4. Apply/install the patch 1.16.1: BW-1161.exe 6. For a full install on the HDD with all the cinematic. But i dont have an iso, and i dont now how to make one. Neither would i like to upload on onto my mates ftp with my shitty upload. It maxes out at like 25kb or something, and then i cant really use the internet for anything else. So im looking for a place where the iso files are online. I own about 3 cds of Starcraft and 1 Broodwar, so im oki.
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