The Cleansing Of Bukhari And Muslim From Useless Hadiths Pdf Free
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Principles compiler design alfred v aho jeffrey d ullman pdf reader. Are the hadith collections we know really the words of God's Messenger? Let us dig further into the true origins of Hadith and discover how most Muslims have been following these anti-Quranic texts for centuries.
God promises us that He will protect the Qur'an from any form of corruption ( 15:9, 56:77-78 ). That being said, the man-made books of hadith, which we're all compiled about 200 years after the Messenger's death, aren't so flawless. Imam Bukhari stated that he recorded 300,000 hadith in total, but only accepted a few thousand of them in his collection. This tells us that he, along with other hadith collectors, simply chose the hadiths they ' t hought' were authentic into their collection. Similarly with Imam Muslim, he collected 300,000 hadith, and yet again, only extracted approximately a few thousand for inclusion into his collection based on his own criteria. The wide variety of hadith we have today were collected all by word-of-mouth through several people that they deemed 'trustworthy'. This whole concept in itself is very unreliable.
To make matters even worse, Bukhari's collection along with others are stamped 'sahih' on them by some 'scholar' and all of a sudden nobody would dare question the authenticity of the collected hadiths. The idea of blindly following anyone or anything goes deeply against the teachings of the Qur'an: 'And do not uphold what you have no knowledge of. For the hearing, eyesight, and mind, all these you are responsible for.' (Qur'an 17:36) The Qur'an advocates the human being to use reason, to not blindly follow the masses: ' The worst creatures with God are the deaf and dumb who do not comprehend.' (Qur'an 8:22) 'And He is the One who gives life and brings death, and to Him is the alteration of the night and the day. Do you not comprehend?'
(Qur'an 23:80) 'He has misled mountain loads of you. Did you not comprehend?' (Qur'an 36:62) Moreover, God opposes the popular notion of clergymen, which has drifted many people from devoting themselves to God by understanding the Qur'an, in the following verses: ' Then We sent in their tracks Our messengers. And We sent Jesus, son of Mary, and We gave him the Gospel, and We ordained in the hearts of his followers kindness and mercy. But they invented Monasticism which We never decreed for them.
They wanted to please God, but they did not observe it the way it should have been observed. Consequently, We gave those who believed among them their recompense, while many of them were wicked. ' (Qur'an 57:27) 'They have taken their Priests and Monks to be patrons besides God, and the Messiah, son of Mary, while they were only commanded to serve One god, there is no god except He, be He glorified against what they set up.' (Qur'an 9:31) The only true way to follow the Prophet Muhammad is by following the Qur'an alone, as all his examples are in there. The Prophet himself only followed the Qur'an as his source of law and guidance. The gravest crime made by the self-appointed scholars was to give authority to the man-made traditions (Sunnah) and the books of so called sayings (Hadith) alongside the authority of God and His messenger.
They believe that it was God who authorized such action by commanding the people to 'obey God, and obey the messenger' 'Whoever obeys the messenger has obeyed God; and whoever turns away, We have not sent you as a guardian over them.' (Qur'an 4:80) What is so sadly neglected is that the most critical aspects of the Messenger’s life have been recorded and captured in the most detailed manner not in the man-made books of Hadith or tradition but in the Holy Book itself. The questions that he was asked, and the answers (inspired by God) that he gave: 'They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say: 'In them is great harm, and a benefit for mankind; but their harm is greater than their benefit.' And they ask you how much are they to give, Say: 'The excess.'