Mod V Sims 4 Putj K Slave

Jan 21, 2019 Help I thought I would give sims 4 a try and downloaded The Sims 4 FitGirl Repack can anyone tell me which mods do I need the basic will do. On the computer. I've checked everything through and through and I have good and bad news. Good news is that the mod is fine. I've run it with different versions of the game and WW. VAMPIRE'S SLAVES CHALLENGE OVERVIEW After a century’s rest, you awake without a mansion. Home › The Sims 4. - Inspired by The Amazon Challenge by @lovejess2 (Original creator Isaria (mod the sims)) Post edited by nastyjman on February 2017.
Slavery Challenge WARNING if you are easily offended by slavery do NOT read this. Now that this is gone over, you HAVE BEEN WARNED!! ~ Inspired by the 1970 event of Colleene Stan, girl in the box~ You are a 19 year old girl/boy, hitchhiking the roads of _____, you see a car, and deside to ride the next mile to your destination. It is a couple. The girl invites you into the car.
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You then stop at a gas station and buy a few snacks. After this, the car 'runs out of gas' you get out, aswell as the other two people, you ask if you could help before someone walks behind you, a gag slips on your eyes, as someone puts a knife to your throught and covers your mouth, throwing you into the car. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WELCOME TO THE SLAVERY CHALLENGE!

This is KC, and I am here with my first challenge! I hope you enjoy this! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CAS Your character, the slave, may be male or female, with the age of teen, they are good looking, and must have the traints, - Adventurous - Green Thumb - Master Cook The rest MUST be random generated.
- The male slave owner, must be a YA, and have the traints, - Evil - Mooch The rest MUST be random generated - The female slave owner, must be YA, and have the traints, - Bookworm - Computer Whiz - Hopeless Romantic - Neurotic ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RULES 1: If the police SEE your slave and slave owners, you AUTOMATICLY loose. 2: You can ONLY have an rented, rundown house with a cheap fridge, ect, you MUST have a basement with a very small space/room, with a bed, and bathroom. 3: The female slave owner feeds and waters the slave once at night.
4: When the slave is a YA, the two slave owners must either A - If they did already have a child, then have the female pregnant again B - If they do NOT have a child. The female MUST be pregnant.
5: No cheats, other then reset sim. 6: The Sim has to be a single letter name once a slave ((When YA)) his/her name is ANY letter from the alphabet.
7: After this, you may create another sim, which will be another slave. Repete the prossess, you may skip rule #4 though. 8: To increase difficulty, you could have five slaves! 9: If the female/male slave owner divorses the male/female slave owner, you win the game when the remaining slave owner marries you, and has atleast one child. 10: If not, you win the game when you go with the divorsing slave owner, and precede on a bus, to go to any sims house, (Pretend it is your family) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I would love to see some folks play this! Put screenies in the comments!