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Funny you post this today, as my MO and I had a very lengthy discussion on this topic yesterday. I have done 6 rounds of Docetaxel, and been on ADT for over 18 months. This past summer when my PSA was doubling every 30 days, the MO put me on Zytiga and Pred.first few weeks I felt better than i had in months and PS dropped from 225 to 150 in 4 weeks.then doubled back up, and then again. So yesterday we decided to give Xtandi a shot, and he is having me wean from the Pred for a few week, take a week off from the AA and start Xtandi next Monday.we are giving it exactly 3 months, and if by the first of February we don't see a steady and sustained drop then back on the chemo, long term, to get the PSA back down to my Nadir of 1.45 if possible. I will update as the Xtandi starts next week.
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Hi Steph, (if that's ok) I wonder what the issue is with the Xtandi? My MedOnc wanted X, before Z, but my insurer balked.
Now that Z it beginning to fail, it's certain, I will go to X. As long as my numbers are ok. And, please post your doubling times and PSA's if you would. Post them privately, if you'd like.

I'd like to compare mine, which are not doubling, but creeping up slowly enough to where, if you take one month and times it by 2, it's more than twice as much. If I got that across right.